The Address Factory is an ecosystem of web and mobile addressing software for producing, managing and distributing local and national address databases. This addressing software is available by subscription through our services platform.

Production addressing software
These tools enable address databases to be produced, made reliable, enhanced and updated on a regular basis.
This software enables very high-resolution satellite images to be deposited and a layer of building roof data to be retrieved. Based on AI, it detects changes in urbanisation diachronically.
This tool can be used to identify all entrance doors opening onto the public highway. It consists of a set of cameras that film the road and facades, linked to an AI that detects doors and signs.
This software, mainly designed for the French territories (mainland France and French overseas departments and territories), compiles various address data sources (BAN, RIL, BANO, various GIS, operator data, DGFIP data, etc.) and assigns a reliability code to each according to various quality criteria (geometric and semantic accuracy, logical consistency, etc.).
These mobile applications can be used to locate, clarify or enrich the address database. Two types of application are possible: one designed for investigators (private companies or public bodies) and the other directly available to any citizen, enabling them to request their certificate of address.

Management addressing software
The heart of the La Fabrique de l’adresse platform is a web mapping solution linked to production and distribution tools. It enables address databases to be managed, updated and enhanced.
The application’s main interface is a digital map of all the addresses, which can be navigated (search, selections, advanced filters, etc.). It is possible to navigate and edit track and address data (advanced editing function).
A specific module can be used to name and rename traffic lanes (streets, boulevards, cul-de-sacs, etc.), either individually or en masse (e.g. an entire district, based on a dictionary).
A validation process is used to certify the various addresses and issue the following administrative documents: road naming decrees, building numbering decrees, addressing certificates, etc.
A specific module can be used to produce different scenarios for road signage (scenarios linked to the density of signs to be installed). A calculation can be used to export a quantitative listing of the street signs to be produced.
These modules are custom-built and enable additional data relating to the building’s occupancy to be associated with an address: standing, type of occupancy (retail, business, etc.), presence of signs, occupation of the public domain, etc.

Broadcast addressing software
The main items of expenditure involved in implementing an addressing system are the surveys needed to identify addresses, and the production and fitting of street signs and door numbers. Edenmap has developed solutions that enable addresses to be generated quickly and displayed virtually on users’ telephones. These solutions are connected to the address management solution.
Phaar can be used to generate all signage (door signs and street numbers) in augmented reality and display it on users’ mobile phones. The application also enables GPS navigation in car or pedestrian mode.
Balliz is an augmented reality solution that enables local authorities to guide users along predefined routes in the event of planned or unplanned events (conferences, festivals, roadworks, etc.), or simply along tourist itineraries. The application can integrate a range of content (mini-sites, games, 3D scenes, etc.), as well as managing pedestrian flows.
This application allows any citizen to request and receive an addressing certificate. This participative mapping method optimises the cost of implementing addressing.