BALLIZ Edenmap Privacy Policy

BALLIZ is an augmented reality application that allows you to navigate in places without any physical indication of location or signage. The app proposes tours along your route to enhance your location experience.

Collected Data

BALLIZ uses your phone’s location settings and compass.

BALLIZ runs on Google Play Services for AR (ARCore), which is provided by Google and governed by the Google Privacy Policy.


To power the BALLIZ session, Google will process sensor data (e.g., camera and location). Learn more


BALLIZ may also collect the following information:

  • Status of the mobile device SIM card,
  • MAC addresses and device serial numbers,
  • Real-time GPS location tracking and mapping, including analysis of location data
  • Compass information,
  • Device characteristics such as : model, free memory space, OS version, encryption capacity and status, etc…

Data Usage​

Every information is only collected to allow the location of our own datasets in the space and make the app more accurate.

No Personal information (such as name, email, name, or address for instance) is used. Otherwise any personal information would be removed before any usage.

No information is sold or shared with any third party.

Data retention

Only the data collected by the feedback service is collected anonymously to help improve the services provided by the application. This data relates to user feedback.

No other data is stored or retained by Edenmap.

How to contact us:
IMT Atlantique – 4, rue Alfred Kastler
44300 NANTES, France    

Updated : 2024, April 8th

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